Text Message Enticement
We all know that teenagers are the fastest text messengers amongst us, and that they possess the highest levels of cell phone literacy. So, let's use that skill to make library (or museum, or gallery) activities more appealing to teens. Why not give our youth some fun educational activities wherein they use their cellphone cameras and their text messaging speed to get them excited about finding and using information. Students (of any age actually) can start with a cellphone and their first clue. Then when they find the information they were sent after they can take a photo of themselves with it, text that image to a central number, and then receive a reply text containing the next clue. There needs to be multiple search patterns for students to follow so they cannot just chase each other around, and to avoid overcrowding in any one area of the library. Rather than punishing teens for using the phones they so love, let's harness that interest and redirect and expand it! It would also be fun to have them text certain responses to a Twitter account, or a blog, or... and then the participants could visit that site individually or as a group and see what the other's are doing.
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